We all have the desire to go buy that new car each year when they hit the showroom floors in September, and if we all lived in our dream worlds we would. Sadly, we don’t all live in Never Neverland. We live on tight budgets and short leashes. So knowing that, what would you buy for your budget friendly transportation?

Scooter Mileage Update

Miles per gallon update continued from: Scooting Along

I’ve been spending a considerable amount of time on my scooter lately. If there is any word that expresses my overall opinion of all things scooter related it would be “Awesome.”

I was finally able to track my fuel economy on my 2007 Honda Metropolitan and I was elated with the results. (I had lost the ability to track my speed/distance for a few weeks because I melted the speedometer gear during some front brake adjustments.) My last tank of gas was the reason for my excitement over the efficiency of the scooter. Over the course of a week I traveled 132.2 miles and used up a meager 1.089 gallons of 87 octane petrol at a total cost of $3.79.

132.2 Miles Traveled / 1.089 Gallons of gas = Average of 121.4 Miles/Gallon. 

That brings my cost per mile to a sub $0.03 average.

Long story short…. I’m going to look at another scooter tonight so that I can have a matching pair.

Scooting Along


As a young entrepreneur I am always looking out for a new way to make a buck to better my debt situations as I struggle to finish college.

Today’s Solution… Buy a Scooter. (So I did. See Below)

Here is the break down.

Scooter  – $1000 (used of course)
1yr of insurance – $100.00
Gas/100mi – $3.00
Motorcycle safety foundations class – $170.00
License – $8.00
License Test – $11.00
Total cost first year at 4000 miles of usage… $1,409.00

Car Gas/100mi – $17.50
Cost of Driving the car 4000 miles….$700

Savings on a gas comparison level

Scooter cost per mile – $0.03
Car cost per mile – $0.175
Savings per 100 miles – $14.50
Savings per 1,000 miles – $145.00
Savings per 10,000 miles – $1,450.00
Savings per 20,000 miles – $2,900.00

In other words… once you have your scooter to 10,000 miles, it starts to make you money everywhere you drive it. of course it would actually be way before that because we didn’t factor in the things like cost of maintenance on the car that would be saved by not driving it as often. Or the amount of money you would save by not buying so much crap when you are shopping because you have no room to take it home. But the great news is that you would be saving $57.00 on each tank of gas (400 miles)

So here it is… If you want to save money, buy a scooter. It pays in the long run, and you get to have a fun toy in the process; however, don’t go selling you car just yet because it still rains and friends still need rides.

I’ve recently began the idea of starting my own business. Though I have worked for many places and been involved in a great array of industries, my dream is to work for myself and not for another. This is my dream to be in control of my own future. To be able to reap from what I sow.

I am working to get a business going, “Butscher’s Leather”. As for now it is a one man operation that is done between the hours of 10:00pm and 2:00am in my garage after I get home from my day job. I can’t say that it is perfect, but I want to someday turn this hobby into self sustaining one if nothing more.

Check it out here http://www.butschersleather.com/

Some of my recent work has included.

This is most of the recent work that I have completed using 100% hand craftsmanship. I wish I had the convenience of having a sewing machine, or other modern leather working tools, but since this is just starting as a hobby I am using only simple hand tools and needles and thread.

I love this. And as long as I still love working leather I will continue this as a hobby. Maybe someday It will be come an up and running business but for now it is just for the joy or being able to create with my own two hands.